Born to Sail? Race, Masculinity and the Making of Filipino Seafarers, book manuscript (forthcoming)
2006. Satanic Mills or Silicon Islands?: The Politics of High-Tech Production in the Philippines. Cornell University/ILR Press. Co-published in the Philippines by Ateneo de Manila University Press.
Edited Books
2021. Precarity and Belonging: Labor, Migration, and Noncitizenship, Rutgers University Press, co-edited with Catherine S. Ramírez, Juan Poblete, Sylvanna M. Falcón, and Felicity Amaya Schaeffer.
2012. New Routes for Diaspora Studies. Indiana University Press. Co-edited with S. Banerjee and A. McGuinness.
Contributions to Books
2021. “First Publics’ as Knowledge Producers: Integrating Students into Organic Public Sociology” co-authored with M. Greenberg, and R. London, in L. Hossfeld, E. B. Kelly, and C. Hossfeld (eds). The Routledge International Handbook of Public Sociology. London and New York: Routledge Press
2015. “’So They Remember Me When I’m Gone’: Remittances, Fatherhood and Gender Relations of Filipino Migrant Men,” in Transnational Labour Migration, Remittances and the Changing Family in Asia. Palgrave MacMillan Press.
2014. “Racializing the High Seas: Filipino Migrants and Global Shipping,” in The Nation and Its Peoples: Citizens, Denizens, Migrants. Routledge Press.
2012. “Afterword: Diaspora and the Language of Neoliberalism,” in New Routes for Diaspora Studies. Indiana University Press. Co-authored with A. McGuinness.
2012. “Masculinities Afloat: Filipino Seafarers and the Situational Performance of Manhood at Sea, in Port, and at Home,” in Men and Masculinities in Southeast Asia. Routledge Press. Second author: D. Lucero-Prisno.
2008. “Hard Drives and Glass Ceilings: Gender Stratification in High-Tech Production, The Kaleidoscope of Gender: Prisms, Patterns and Possibilities” in The Kaleidoscope of Gender: Prisms, Patterns and Possibilities. Pine Forge Press.
Journal Articles
2023. “Building a Community Archive: Preserving and Uplifting Stories of Filipino Labor and Migration,” co-authored with Christina Ayson Plank, Meleia Simon-Reynolds, Kathleen Gutierriez, and Olivia Sawi. Filipino American National Historical Society Journal volume 11, no.1: 161-170.
2023. “Belonging and Its Barriers: A Critical Perspective of Latiné and Mixed-Status Families’ Experiences” co-authored with Alberto Ganis, Leslie Lopez, Jennifer Aimee Martinez, Marlen Reyes, and Shivani Modha. Social Sciences 12, no. 6: 355.
2022. “New Trends in Community Engaged Research: Co-producing Knowledge for Justice,” Social Sciences; special issue co-editor.
2022. “Critical Engagement: Deepening Partnerships for Justice“, Footnotes: The Magazine of the American Sociological Association 50 no.1
2021. “No Place Like Home: Affordable Housing in Crisis, Santa Cruz County, CA—Final Report,” co-authored with Miriam Greenberg, James Sirigotis, and Thao Le, UCSC Institute for Social Transformation
2021.“Navigating Race: Intersectional Boundary-Making onboard Multi-national Ships,” Ethnic and Racial Studies
2021 “The Right to the City and to the University: Forging Solidarity Across the Town/Gown Divide” co-authored with B. Ferman, M. Greenberg, and T. Le, The Assembly: A Journal for Public Scholarship on Education, issue 3, Spring: 10-34.
2020. Report from the Graduate Student Cost of Attendance and Living Calculator Project,” co-authored with J. Bowin, M. Greenberg, V. Hamilton, B. Schumm, A. Sharma, and N. Singh, University of California, Santa Cruz Academic Senate
2019. “The Vitality of Students for Public Sociology.” co-authored with M Greenberg and R London. Contexts: Sociology for the Public.
2019. “Community-Initiated Student-Engaged Research: Expanding Undergraduate Teaching and Learning through Public Sociology.” co-authored with M Greenberg and R London. Teaching Sociology
2016. “Working for Dignity”– The Santa Cruz Low-Wage Worker Study: Final Report.” UCSC Center for Labor Studies
2011. “Re-Masculinizing the Hero: Filipino Migrant Men and Gender Privilege.” Asia Research Institute Working Paper Series 172 – National University of Singapore.
2007. “Filipino Sea Men: Constructing Masculinities in an Ethnic Labour Niche.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
2006. “The Scalar Strategies of Capital, State and Labor in Evolving Philippine Economic Zones.” Journal of Comparative Asian Development.